In the past century, two giants among men , drank deeply from the wisdom of Indian Vedas and Upanishads ( Vedanta ) and changed classical science for ever. One was Nikola Tesla , a super genius Serbian and the other was Erwin Schrodinger an Austian Irish physist who won the Nobel prize. Both of them were more intelligent that Albert Einstein. Both knew by instinct, that the ancient Indian seers with 12 strand DNA and king sized pineal glands, did not need to write down Mathematical equations. They figured it all in their great minds. ( Enter the name "Shakuntala Devi" -- in Google search, who went to the West and demonstrated the speed of 9000 year old Vedic mathematics-- only then you will believe ) Both wanted some “Some blood transfusion from the East to the West” to save Western science from spiritual anemia.” Nikola Tesla was introduced to Vedanta by Swami Vivekanda , the great Indian mystic. Tesla invented AC electricity and lit up the...